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Other people's memories (found on the net)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:51 pm
by Burkhard
This is a topic to share (links to) other people's memories of Dawn which you found somewhere on the net. Instead of posting quotes, I've decided to link to the original source (which also makes it easier to fact-check).

I'd like to start with memories I found in the comments-section of [External Link Removed for Guests] (it's the promo-videoclip), just look for the comment by someone called Hoder Harris. (It should appear as the first one, if you search by top-comments.)

Also check out the little anecdote told by Brenda Dillinger in the comments-section of [External Link Removed for Guests] from 1991. It is to be found in an answer to her own original comment. Hm, I think I really should start studying the comments-sections more closely, because only now, I noticed that the second person to answer Brenda's original post is someone called Michelle Nocon. I'm quite sure that this must be the singer of the (now defunct) Belgian band Bathsheba (which I introduced in a separate topic). Considering that her comment is 6 years old (thus from 2014) and that Bathsheba were formed in 2013, this now makes me wonder if she knew the music of Fear of God before she joined Bathsheba (and thus her vocals were inspired by Dawn's) or if she only discovered Fear of God after someone had told her that her vocals sometimes reminded of those of Dawn Crosby on "Within the Veil".